Hello there I am
Marcus Nilsson
Graphic Designer & Web Developer
Do you need a website or a web application? Then I can help you with that. As a frontend developer, I have experience in building websites and web applications using modern technologies.
Why have I made this portfolio?
This portfolio acts as a digital counterpart to my written resume that I send to companies. In the resume i write about all of the skills and techniques that I have learnt and mastered over my career. Here is where I am actually able to prove it, by showing the most relevant of them in action.
My timeline
The companies I've worked for, the things I've done
April 2023 - October 2024
Frontend Developer & UI-designer
After having previously worked in the originals hub team, I was moved to help design and set up Chromaways Block Explorer, an application for making the data of the blockchain network visible and searchable. Later I was also tasked with writing functionality for a “Postchain-client” typescript library used to make it easier for developers to communicate with the blockchain. Lastly I was tasked with helping build a “Dapp client”- an application where a user can search the blockchain network for decentralised applications (“dapps” for short) and through the app send queries or requests to the dapps which would return data that would be presented in the fronted UI.All of these applications were made with Typescript, NextJS, Stitches, Radix-UI.
August 2022 - April 2023
Frontend Developer & UI-designer
In the Originals hub team, I first worked temporarily as a designer for a NFT-auction house application after the previous designer had left. After a new permanent designer was hired, I was instead tasked with working with three other front-end developers developing a NFT-marketplace application with Typescript, NextJS, Stitches, Radix-UI and storybook.
March 2022 - August 2022
Frontend Developer & UI-designer
I worked as a frontend developer and designer in the EU-team, a team tasked with highlighting the performance and application of chromaways “Postchain”-blockchain for a tender project for the EU. During my time in the team I was responsible for drafting, designing and implementing smaller frontend applications in React that could showcase how applications could communicate with the blockchain network.The two use cases the applications were built around were Intellectual patent registration and a supply chain for pharmaceutical products.
May 2020 - March 2022
Frontend Developer
I worked at Axfood with the e-commerce platform for "Hemköp". The work was mainly about migrating the current code base written in AngularJS, to a more modern framework; React. Much of the migration had to be done as so-called "reverse-engineering", which meant that there was not much documentation done before, which in practice meant that the app had to be rewritten from scratch. During the project, I was, among other things, responsible for setting up unit tests for the project.
November 2019 - May 2020
Frontend Developer
I worked for Scania to build "micro-frontends" in React for a "service-as-a-service" platform; "My Scania". "My Scania" was a project that aimed to create an application that would act as a portal to a large number of services provided by Scania. The app could have been likened to "Office 365" or "Amazon web services" where the customer has a common portal to be able to access various built-in applications related to the products and services that Scania sells and provides.
July 2018 - June 2019
Frontend Developer
I worked for the start-up company "Explorate", building their Vue front-end platform for booking container freight. Explorate's business concept was to try to automate all the manual steps that you as a customer need to go through to be able to book container shipping from one port in the world to another. The idea with the automation was to be able to simplify, aggregate prices and "cut off" all the players who act as manual intermediaries in the process and thus be able to offer cheaper shipping costs than the competitors. The app was meant to work a bit like Momondo, with the difference that you book container shipping instead of hotels.The application was built with: Vue, NuxtJS, Javascript, SCSS.
My tools
The technologies I have experience working with
7 years
7 years
7 years
5 years
JS Frameworks
4 years
3 years
3 years
2 years
4 years
React Testing Library
2 years
1 year
1 year
3 years
2D Design
4 years
3 years
1 year
Want to get in contact with me?
🇦🇺 (+61) 423 207 028